Thursday night after a fantastic episode of the OC which was OMG, I joined in on....
CHAMPAGNE THURSDAYS which is BRad's way of getting over the shitty week, which fits well with sitting on the couch with Seth and Voichok, lol! It also felt much nicer having finished a bottle of something special and nice. But no, it wasn't Veuve.
So, okay.. my thoughts on the OC:
OMG! (ha I feel very millenial generation right now with what I am talking about, and the whole using OMG every five words, and well lol). Next weeks episode looks even better but this weeks was showing much improvement from the last few, though I did really like the episode where they went to RHODE ISLAND (my place of birth!) The whole prom thing was touching, that sweet girl song was touching, and everyone ending up unhappy nearly made me cry again. Especiall when Ryan was there for Marissa as her hot surfer was slutting around. The whole fight at the end between Ryan and Voichok which was just stupid and so typical of the show was fine but I have a feeling that Ryan is going back to jail which would be a good lil twist, and Seth seems to be going to jail as well, and maybe the father. Oh MY GOD. But poor Voichok and his "oh so was hot" broken nose and unconscious body, lol.