This past weekend has been a whirlwind of things to do. I went to see two movies (which I will review), had dinner with two great friends in Jewel Bako (which I will also review), viewed some art (one of the museums being in the Bronx which I will talk about), sat in Central Park where I for the first time this season noticed the leaves changing, danced for about 6 hours before sleeping with a boy for another 6 hours. As I said, whirlwind. :P This entry I basically want to talk about my Saturday night and Sunday morning, the dancing, and the boy.
Saturday night I hung out with my friend H and we trekked to see Requiem in Lincoln Center before bar hopping in Hells Kitchen. Therapy was mobbed so by "bar hopping" I mean we stayed in one jam packed bar "cruising hotties" as H calls it for about 2 hours. After a slice of pizza to soak up the alcohol I took in at the bar, I went to sleep for about 4.5 hours before getting up at 5am to shower, change, and make my way down to the club Crobar in Chelsea. I am really seriously getting the idea that NYC really doesn't sleep. Each month a gigantic party called Evolve is thrown at Crobar by DJ Victor Calderone. I wasn't around in the days of Twilo and Soundfactory but from what I have heard, this is the closest thing to them that NYC has left. And it was honestly fantastic. We arrived at 6:15ish and thankfully my friend is some VIP thing so we got to cut the sketch line outside and the stupid straight boys and girls who hid their drugs in their fuckin shirt pocket. Dumbasses. Once inside, the place was mobbed with straight people. As 7am came, the crowd went into this transition of the trashy straight people leaving (probably to get back into their car to head back into their bridge or tunnel), and the hotter straight people and homos arriving. But even though my previous sentence sounds obnoxious, the party was absolutely the best mix of people I have witnessed (other than Brazil) in the United States. The atmosphere was not intense druggy messes but young, chilled, fun, everyone getting along in some happy harmony of dancing. I actually don't think I will go to Alegria again, which is the other party that happens at Crobar every two months, which is some tourist mecca for circuit homo's. My friend Joe described Evolve as a "real New York" party and I have to agree. People may trek from NJ or LI but they don't come from Florida for it. It feels like New Yorkers. And there were more hot boys (even when the circuity beefy boys showed up at 7am) than Alegria. I have had a great time in one of the Alegria parties but the other just made me feel sorta disgusted. Alegria really brings people from "everywhere" and gets way too intense druggy, bad energy, annoyingly older. And the music was awesomly intense. I danced for the entire time even though at times it was seriously hard house and at times I was making out with the boy I now have a crush on. These following videos are not from this Saturday but they give you a really good idea of the club. (I viewed a lot of them to pick out the best depictions of what I experienced).
Tisk, tisk, how could you compare Evolve to Twilo? Victor isn't even in the same class as Jr. Twilo, RIP
Posted by: Rockytop | October 29, 2006 at 07:56 AM