My Art

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Who I'm In Love With

  • Energie Models


  • Steven Didas


What I've Read & Loved

Which Restaurants I Love

  • NYC
    * Per Se * Pastis * Schillers Liquor Bar * Casa Mono * Babbo * Del Posto * WD50 * Tabla * Morimoto * Buddhakan * Gotham Grill * Vynl * The Spotted Pig * Bouchon Bakery * Tia Pol * Artisinal * Cubano Cafe * db Bistro Modern * Saul * Quality Meats * Jewel Bako * Bar Americaine * Isabella's * Bamboo 52 * Bouley Bakery * Public * Bouley * Boquiera * Blue Ribbon Sushi *

What I've Watched

  • At the Cinema:
    Constant Gardener * Junebug * Green Street Hooligans * Capote * Hellbent * Jarhead * Harry Potter and the Goblet * The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe * Brokeback Mountain * Munich * Syriana * The New World * Spirit of the Beehive * Failure to Launch * Tsotsi * V for Vendetta * Thank You For Smoking * United 93 * The DaVinci Code * XMen III * Russian Dolls * Favela Rising * Nacho Libre * Superman * Devil Wears Prada ** Time to Leave * Little Miss Sunshine * Miami Vice * Quinceanera * Half Nelson * Another Gay Movie * Poster Boy * Le Petit Lieutenant * Man Push Cart * Science of Sleep * A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints * The Queen * Paprika * The Departed * Shortbus * Marie Antoinette * Pan Labyrinth * Babel * The Prestige * Death of a President * Borat * Fast Food Nation * Candy * Volver * Casino Royale * Deja Vu * Stranger than Fiction * Days of Glory * Apocalypto * Curse of the Golden Flower * Children of Men * Miss Potter * Tears of the Black Tiger * Notes on a Scandal * Reno 911 * Zodiac * Last King of Scotland * 300
  • From Netflix:
    Oldboy * Alias * ChungKing Express * Requiem for a Dream * OC Season 2 * Coach Carter * Crash * Sex and Lucia * Lemony Snicket * It's All Gone Pete Tong * Love Actually * Fever Pitch * Interview with a Vampire * The Real Cancun *Lords of Dogtown * Fantastic Four * Criminal * Willy Wonka * Fridaa * Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance * About a Boy * Rebel without a Cause * The Edukators * 3 Dancing Slaves * Dot the I * Royal Tennenbaums * 2046 * March of the Penguins * Into the Blue * Oliver Twist * Beautiful Thing * Memoirs for a Geisha * The War Within * Spun * Young Gods * A Lot Like Love * Inked * Family Stone * Kontroll * Delicatessen * Footballer's Wives * Transamerica * Jesus is Magic * Firewall * King Kong * Hostel * Layer Cake * She's the Man * 5 x 2 * Lost, Season 1, 2 * Brick * Little Manhattan * The Comeback * Veronica Mars * Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World * Before the Fall * Summer Camp * Entourage, Season 1 * Everything is Illuminated * Madame Sata * Weeds * Sympathy for Mrs. Vengeance * Art School Confidential * City of Men, Season 1, 2 * L'Enfant * Stick It * Dorian Blues * Goal * Manhattan * Lower City * Strangers with Candy * Guys and Balls * Tristan & Isolde * Irreversible * CRAZY * I Stand Alone * Three Extremes * Red Dragon * Hard Candy * Running with Scissors * Boixe Maoi * Napolean Dynamite * The Covenant * FlyBoys * Ma Mere * Naked * Sin City * Hukkle *

What I Think Is Hot

  • Joe Gauthreaux


  • L_5c56af521dba00ffa844d86b7e9bb863

  • Boysgather_2

  • Brahma, the Brasilian beer


  • Supporting Equality


  • energie





hello,I'm chinese i like u blog ~
beautiful and impressive
i hope to make friends with u~

Brian from Atlanta

very exciting! glad ur back


I am writing to ask if you don´t have more interest in exchange links.
Please note that l linked to your site here at , send you an email and no answer or our banner in your site I found.
Our website is growing everyday. Let's help each other now. If you still have interest, please put our banner in your site and contact us.

Let me know whenever it becomes live at your site.

With Best Regards


You are giftted and love your metamorphosis, everyone can always use more friends.


Glad you're back!


Where are you?


wohoo, glad to see you are back. And I agree with everyone else above me.


oh come on. didnt it say t minus 8 days?
its been nearly 4 months!
please come back!
we love you!


i cant wait much longer, frank! come on!!!


I'm glad to see you're returning for "round 2". You'll have to fill us in (at least a little) of the goings on in between!!


YEAH! I kept you in my bookmarks on the hopes that you would one day return. I really enjoyed "round 1" of the blog, and I'm so happy you're back!


Well, I just stumbled in here today - but after looking at your metamorphosis as well as your paintings; reviewing your list of books, etc., I've decided you're not only exceptionally talented and intelligent, you're awesomely hot!

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Member since 05/2004